Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello, Out There!!! Anybody Holding Me Accountable?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Anybody listening?

Just checking!

I haven't posted in four days and NOBODY has emailed me and asked me, "What is going on?" Nobody has accused me of being a slacker! Nobody has called to see if I'm even alive!!!

The purpose of this BLOG and me laying my soul bare is to get support from those that love me.

Oh well. (Here comes the pity party) I guess I'm all alone in this world. I guess NOBODY loves me. Think I'll go eat some worms.


Sorry 'bout that. I couldn't help myself. I had to let some of my dramatic expression seep through.

It HAS been a busy three days. From picking up some used bee equipment that had been donated to the club on Wednesday morning to putting bees in my observation hive for Thursday and spending most of Wednesday afternoon cleaning up the donated equipment in the rain, it was a busy Wednesday. Then Thursday morning I went to Waller county to give a demonstration to 650 4th graders at their Ag Day and then came home and drove the load of donated equipment to the beekeepers meeting and auctioned it off. I got home around 10 that night.

Yesterday was a bit slower but I had blown my diet a little and was up about a pound and didn't want to admit that. It's a lot easier to admit it later when I'm back down than it is at the time.

So see, you SHOULD have called me on it! I expected more out of you. Now get back out there and tackle somebody!..... Uh.... Sorry. I'm not a football coach, am I?

Anyway....I DID blow it and got back up to 248 but I'm down to 246.5 again.

We went to Houston last night to see our niece Zoe dance at the half time of a football game. We ate with Danny/Katie/Caroline at Carabbas. EVERYBODY ELSE got something EVIL to eat. I ate a salad. Not bad....but just not the same.

But I AM back down to 246.5, so I guess it was worth it.


Anyway....time to start again. Old Man Oatmeal for breakfast this morning and hopefully a salad for lunch. I have the Brenham 25th class reunion this evening so I have to watch myself at that.

Now that I have made a big deal out of nobody picking on me, I will tell you that I will be out of pocket for two days. I have to drive to Ft Worth tomorrow morning to shoot halloween pictures at a country club tomorrow night and I will be spending the night with Matthew. I'll continue this "thing" that I do starting Tuesday morning.

I WOULD like to see how many of you are checking in on me. If you get a chance, please email me. All you have to do is say "Me" and I can tell who it is by the email address. Probably. Maybe. I don't know. Some of you have some weird email addresses.

Until next time.....God Bless.



  1. I am checking in on you, however I haven't really had a chance to sit down at my computer the last few days... I have been as busy as you are!


  2. Me! But I've been busy taking care of your grandchildren and they're borderline driving me insane :) Hence the reason I haven't bugged you...
